Current Project
1. Development Prosumer P2P energy trading with block-chain technology Big Data analysis and AI algorithm
지원: 정보통신산업진흥원 (NIPA)
기간: 2020. 04 ~ 2024. 12 (5 years)
참여기관: 전자부품연구원, 한국생산기술연구원, 주식회사 애니트, 주식회사 블로코, 한국산업기술대학교, 아주대학교
Development of the trading platform to promote and induce participation in P2P electricity trading among various energy prosumers based on Big Data analysis and AI algorithm.
- Designing structure of P2P trading market
- Development of P2P trading price-determining algorithm
- Development of P2P trading amount algorithm
- Development of P2P trading scenario
- Development of scheduling algorithm of P2P trading
- Economic analysis
2. Development of Protection & Power Quality Technology for DER Integrated Distribution System (분산형전원 연계 배전망 보호 및 전기품질 기술 개발)
지원 : 한국전력공사 전력연구원 (KEPRI)
기간 : 2021. 02 ~ 2024. 01 (3 years)
참여기관 : 아주대학교
Development of fault analysis algorithm that reflects environmental changes in distribution system is required for the reliable operation of DER integrated distribution system.
This project develops fault analysis technology that comprehensively considers the winding method of transformer(Yg-Yg, YgD) and the iron core structure of transformer(3core, 5core) in the grid with inverter-based distributed generation.
- Development of fault analysis technology of distributed generation in the case of events
- Development of electric quality analysis technology considering distributed generation
- Development of optimal operation technology for inverter-based distribution generation considering environmental changes
3. Development of electric vehicle charging system operation algorithm considering power system stability (전력시스템 안정도 고려 전기차(EV) 충전 시스템 운영 알고리즘 개발)
지원 : (주) 비엘비
기간 : 2022. 07~ 2025. 06 (3 years)
참여기관 : 아주대학교
Increasing in the EV charging infrastructure negatively affects the stable operation of the power system. This project develops an efficient control algorithm for an EV charging system with integrated distributed resources and EVs within the range of power system stability.
- Development of EV charging system algorithm based on EV charging demand forecast and V2G
- Development of PV-EV operation algorithm based on PV generation and load forecast
- Advanced algorithms considering fast/slow PCS ratio and variable output control method in EV charging stations
- Development of power system stability simulator for EV charging system
4. Development of Digital-twin based Energy Management Platform to Improve the Operational Reliability (스마트 에너지커뮤니티 신뢰성 향상을 위한 디지털트윈 최적 운영 플랫폼 개발)
지원 : 에너지기술평가원
기간 : 2022. 11 ~ 2025. 10 (3 years)
참여기관 : (주)파워이십일, 아주대학교, Texas State University
Because the existing distributed energy management/operation system was operated individually according to the operation purpose and resource type, there are limitations in terms of operational efficiency and resource flexibility utilization. This projects develops the digital-twin based operation platform that possible to solve the disadvantages of each operation purpose and the problems in the time domain in operating the distributed energy community.
- Development of power system operation algorithm using real-time data based aggreted resource model
- Development of AI model for power system analysis and operation
- Development of digital twin platform that provides platform+IoT+Power system analysis+service
5. Development of flexible resources capacity calculation and scheduling algorithm in industrial complex (산단 유연자원 용량 산정 및 스케쥴링 알고리즘 개발)
지원 : 한국전력공사 전력연구원
기간 : 2023. 06 ~ 2024. 12 (18 months)
참여기관 : 아주대학교
In order to achieve RE100, it is necessary to review voltage stability and flexibility indicators applicable to industrial complex MG.
Based on the results of the indicators, the optimal flexibility transaction scheduling algorithm that can optimally utilize distributed resources such as solar power, ESS, and EV in the industrial complex in developed.
- Development of net load and flexibility capacity estimation technology through PV generation/load forecasting
- Development of voltage stability and flexibility indicators
- Development of flexibility trading scheduling algorithm
6. Development of Community-Based Energy Trading Technology for Carbon Neutrality (탄소중립을 위한 커뮤니티 기반의 에너지 거래 기술 개발) 3단계 산학연협력 선도대학 육성사업(LINC 3.0)
지원 : 교육부/ 아주대학교 LINC 사업단
기간 : 2023. 06 ~ 2025. 01 ( 20 months)
참여기관 : 아주대학교
By developing not only P2P trading technology for internal energy transactions in the community, but also DR trading technology for participation in the demand response market, we derive an economical power transaction operation strategy at the community level.
- Development of P2P transaction technology for energy transaction in the community
- Development of DR transaction technology to participate in DR market
7. Evaluation of greenhouse gas reduction technology and training of policy experts to cope with climate change (기후변화대응을 위한 온실가스 감축 기술 평가 및 정책 전문인력 양성)
지원 : 한국환경공단
기간 : 2019. 12 ~ 2024. 11 (5 years)
참여기관 : 아주대학교
Focusing on three specialized areas: the reduction technology evaluation model research team, the power system analysis research team, and the atmospheric environment modeling research team, the goal is to foster convergence professionals who understand the entire energy system, rather than unit technology or process.
- Development of ESS operational technologies to improve grid reliability/flexibility
- Development of optimum design technology considering economic and environmental efficiency of renewable energy
- Continuous supplementation through evaluation and feedback process of reduction technology research results.